Rev Life Coaching

Rediscover... YOU  

Athletes have been using sports coaches and personal trainers for years to greatly improve their performance. Michael Jordan had a "shooting" coach (among the other 5 coaches he used) to win 6 championship rings and untold MVP awards. Tiger Woods used a "swing" coach before he won the four consecutive major golf tournaments. Yes, they were good, but they became great winners because of individual coaching.

The life coaching process is not limited to athletics or personal training. The life coaching process will assist you to achieve a vast array of goals in the personal, business, work, and family areas of your life.

What is life coaching?

The life coaching process is the only human improvement process that focuses completely on YOU! Life coaches are equal partners who assist you to improve and grow as a person as the means to achieve your goals. Life coaches assist you to become the World's Leading Expert on YOU! Coaches also assist you to execute the actions necessary to achieve your goals. You will have virtual control over the results you achieve through coaching, because you set the coaching goals, and the coaching process assures that you will achieve them.

Why hire a life coach?

You hire a coach to achieve your personal, spiritual, family and business Coachable Goals, much more effectively, more efficiently, more completely, with more fun, and in less time than any other human improvement process. Life coaches assist you to: overcome obstacles and fears, focus on solutions, have someone to bounce ideas off, no matter how silly they may seem, discover truths about you, and how you can improve, accomplish more than you thought possible, and achieve balance in your personal, work and family lives. Your coach will UNLEASH YOU, to become the person you always wanted to be and were capable of becoming.

How does life coaching work for you?

Typically you interact with your coach over the phone. You and your coach will develop an ongoing partnership, based upon trust. Your coach will focus his or her full energy and attention on you achieving your goals. Your coach will become the totally objective, nonjudgmental, supportive mirror into whom you really are and what you really want to do. Your coach will provide life options, new perspectives, encouragement, and concentrated attention to give you the insight, and confidence to take life-improving actions towards your goals. Your coach will assist you to identify your self-imposed obstacles and further assist you to overcome them to reach your goals.

How to Maximize the rewards you receive through Life Coaching

The life coaching process works exceptionally well at assisting you to improve your life, business, relationships and your work. But like anything else, life coaching works best under the right conditions. You will want to make sure the following Four Key Conditions are met before you engage a life coach, whether you use The Coach Connection or not. These conditions are universal. Just like you will want to go snow skiing in Colorado in February, versus in Miami in June.

The Four Key Conditions to reap the most rewards from Life Coaching are:

1. You have at least one Coachable Goal that is best achieved through life coaching
2. You are ready to get the most from life coaching
3. You are matched with a life coach who is ideal for you.
4. Your life coach has considerable experience and a strong desire to coach YOU to your best.
Can you Afford Life Coaching?

You only want to engage the services of a Life coach, if IT WILL NOT CREATE A FINANCIAL STRAIN on you. Being able to invest in yourself without the burden of serious financial constraints is critical to allowing you to focus on the most important thing in your life: YOU! You will want to budget for, at least, six coaching cycles to allow you to reap the full benefits from coaching with your ideal Coach. Luckily, this is much less than having to budget for ten to fifteen cycles elsewhere.

Why is life coaching worth so much more than you pay?

The value of the goals you achieve will greatly exceed what you pay for coaching. You set your coaching goals and you will surely set goals that are the most valuable and important to you. In fact, coaching clients have found that the value of the goals they achieve through coaching are inevitably priceless.

There are also other, more hidden benefits of coaching that are frequently worth more than the value of the goals achieved. The benefits from improving as a person to achieve your coaching goals are frequently priceless. Getting your ideal income position (a very common coaching goal), will frequently entail reducing or eliminating your life stresses, improving your attitude about life, improving your relationships with others, etc.

Your Expected Return On Investment (ROI) from Life Coaching

Studies have shown that the Return On Investment (ROI) that you can expect from being coached exceeds 500%. Which means you will receive five (5) times more out of being coached than you paid to be coached.

This 500% ROI probably sounds much too good to be true. It is supported by the in-depth study shown here, and you can read it for yourself. Even if you only receive half the ROI, as reported, you will achieve a great Return. Paying for a Life Coach is an Investment in You! Your Growth! Your Improvement! Your Life Balance! Your Happiness! Your Health! Your Advancement! Your Career Improvement! Your Sales Improvement! You determine your own coachable goals and set the values of achieving them. We want and expect you to set very valuable and worthwhile goals (to you).

Why is it vital that you have at least one Coachable Goal?

The reason you hire a coach in the first place is to achieve your Coachable Goals. You must have at least one goal (coachable goal) that is best achieved through coaching, to benefit from coaching.

How will you know if you have coachable goals?

A "coachable goal" is a future place you want to be as a person that requires you to grow or improve as a person to reach it. Coachable goals always involve moving forward in your life and refrain from reviewing to past to overcome past events.